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In light of the events of October 7th in Israel, we have reimagined our travel experiences for students. Our renewed focus emphasizes faith formation, education, humanitarian efforts, and advocacy for our Jewish friends through two trips: Washington D.C. and Israel
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Stay Updated With Us!

In light of the events of October 7th in Israel, we have reimagined our travel experiences for students. Our renewed focus emphasizes faith formation, education, humanitarian efforts, and advocacy for our Jewish friends through two trips: Washington D.C. and Israel
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Passages+ Experience

Crossroads of Faith: D.C. & Jerusalem
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Since the October 7 attacks on Israel, antisemitism has been on the rise around the world. We believe that Christian students can play a vital role in combating antisemitism and advocating for Israel.

Embark on our two-part Passages experience this summer! Start in DC for exclusive Israel war briefings, a capital tour, Shabbat dinner, and visits to the Museum of the Bible and the US Holocaust Memorial. Then, journey to Israel for a 9-day trip volunteering in communities impacted by the October 7 attacks, fostering solidarity with the resilient locals. Explore the Holy Land's ancient streets, delving deeper into its rich history.

Discover Washington

Experience DC with tours of the Museum of the Bible and the United States Holocaust Memorial, alongside lectures on the current state of Israel. Gain expert insight into the Middle East, empowering you to combat antisemitism and advocate for Israel and the Jewish people. Delve into the roots of your Christian faith, explore Judeo-Christian values, and understand Israel's geopolitical complexity. We believe connecting to these roots makes Christians powerful advocates for positive change in the world.

Trip Dates: July 25-28, 2024

Take a look at our sample itinerary to get a sense of the trip and the places you'll be visiting.

Explore Israel

Journey through the Holy Land, walking where Jesus walked and serving as he did. Immerse yourself in volunteer opportunities, exploring biblical sites while gaining insight into Israel's complexities. Gain firsthand knowledge and engage in action by volunteering with communities impacted by the war. Traverse ancient streets, rejuvenate in the Dead Sea, and reflect atop the Mount of Olives. Connect with Jewish tradition through a Shabbat dinner with a welcoming host family in Jerusalem. Embark on a transformative journey that bridges cultures and generations, fostering solidarity with the resilient people of the region.

Trip Dates: Winter Break 2024

Take a look at our sample itinerary to get a sense of the trip and the places you'll be visiting.

Thanks to generous donors, the cost of this two-part trip is $1,230, which covers round-trip flights to Washington D.C., the majority of meals, and hotel accommodations. Additionally, it includes international flights to Israel, hotel accommodations, access to sites, ground transportation, and most meals.

Spots are limited – apply today!  


What staff will be on the D.C. trip?

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What should I pack for the D.C. Trip?

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Where will we be staying in Washington, D.C.?

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Is traveling to Israel safe?

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Has Passages been back to Israel since the war began?

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Does Passages make accommodations for individuals with medical, developmental, and physical disabilities?

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What happened on October 7?

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What should I pack for the Israel trip?

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What staff members will be traveling with me to Israel?

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